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Carol DahlkeOptimum Dental Consulting & Coaching

Carol Dahlke

President & Founder

Carol Dahlke, MSDH is a Business and Clinical Dental Practice Management Consultant. She has 10 years of experience working with Periodontists and General Practice dentists throughout the United States and Canada. She holds a master’s degree in Dental Hygiene with a focus on Management and practiced clinical dental hygiene for 26 years. Carol serves as faculty at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry teaching first year dental students Periodontology Technique. She has a certificate in
professional coaching.

Carol’s professional activities includes American Dental Hygienists’ Association, Minnesota Dental Hygienists’ Association, Board of Directors for the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Alumni Society, Clinical Director for the Minnesota Special Olympics Special Smiles, President Elect for the Minnesota Dental Hygienists’ Association and member of the International Coaching Federation.